Here Are 10 Tips To Keep You Hydrated During Ramadan

April 9, 2022

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It lasts for about a month and marks one-hundred-and-forty days during which Muslims are required to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, or engaging in sexual activity between dawn and dusk. The fasting comes with numerous health benefits including increased energy levels, improved concentration, and decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, as well as reduced stress. In fact, the American Heart Association has even recommended that fasting could help reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, and body weight. 

But while fasting may have numerous health benefits, it can also be very difficult to stay hydrated during Ramadan. According to a recent study published in the journal Health Psychology, those who fast during Ramadan experience more headaches than non-fasting individuals. This makes sense considering how dehydrated people often feel after a day of fasting. However, the researchers found that these headaches were significantly lessened if the participants drank water before bedtime. 

Here are 10 Tips to Stay Hydrated During Ramadan: 

1) Drink At Least One Cup of Water Before Bedtime 

Most experts recommend that you drink at least one cup of water before going to sleep. If you find yourself waking up several times throughout the night because you’re thirsty, try adding some lemon juice to your water. Lemon is high in vitamin C and will help boost your immune system and prevent colds. 

2) Avoid Sugar-Based Beverages 

Sugar-based beverages like soda and coffee should be avoided when fasting. These drinks contain a lot of calories and are diuretics (they make you pee out excess fluids). So if you want to stay hydrated, stick to water or herbal teas instead. 

3) Don’t Skip Meals Or Eat Too Much At Once 

Fasting can make you hungry, but you don’t want to overeat either. Try to eat small meals every three hours after iftaar. Make sure you eat a balanced meal, though – include protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. 

4) Have A Light Sehri 

Eating a light sheri helps you avoid hunger pangs later on in the day. For example, have an omelet with cheese and fruit for breakfast instead of a heavy meat dish like gravy and paratha. 

5) Drink More Water Than You Think Is Necessary 

If you find yourself constantly feeling thirsty during Ramadan, try to drink a little bit more water than usual in sehri and after iftaar. Your brain uses up about 20% of your total fluid intake, so if you don’t replace what you lose, you’ll end up dehydrated by the time iftar rolls around. 

6) Take A Dip In The Pool 

A dip in the pool will help you replenish your lost fluids. It’s a great way to get rid of any leftover fatigue and it will also help keep you cool.  

7) Keep Yourself Active 

During Ramadan, you should try to move around as much as possible. You can do this by taking walks, doing yoga, or simply stretching. 

8) Add Herbs To Your Tea In Sehri 

Herbal teas such as mint, chamomile, fennel, and dill are very hydrating and will help you stay hydrated during Ramadan. They also contain nutrients like vitamins A and C, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, and zinc. 

9) Get Enough Sleep 

Sleep is essential for proper functioning of the human body. Lack of sleep can lead to poor concentration, irritability, headaches, and mood swings. If you’re not getting enough sleep, try taking melatonin supplements before bedtime. Melatonin regulates the production of certain hormones that regulate sleep patterns. 

10) Try Some Saffron Rice With Yogurt 

Saffron rice is very hydrating and has been shown to increase alertness and improve concentration. It also contains nutrients like manganese, copper, and vitamins B1 and B12. 

Final Words 

While fasting during Ramadan can be quite difficult, it can also be extremely beneficial for your overall health. There are many ways to stay hydrated during Ramadan, and you should take advantage of them. But remember, if you are having trouble staying hydrated, you should consult with a physician. 

And now that you know how to stay hydrated during Ramadan, go ahead and enjoy! 

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