What are the most common malpractices in real estate in Pakistan

February 9, 2023

What are the most common malpractices in real estate in Pakistan

Real estate is a complex and heavily regulated industry, but malpractices still occur despite the rules and regulations in place. In Pakistan, real estate malpractices are becoming increasingly common, which is a cause for concern for both the government and the general public. Shaariq.com brings this article that will outline the most common malpractices in Pakistan and their impacts on the real estate sector.

Fraudulent Property Dealing:

This is a widespread practice in the real estate industry in Pakistan, where a fraudulent dealer sells a property that does not belong to him. The dealer often overstates the property’s value and sells it for a much higher price than its actual market value. The buyer is then left with a property they have paid for but do not legally own, resulting in significant financial losses. To protect themselves from this type of fraud, it is important for buyers to thoroughly research the property they are interested in and verify the ownership of the property before making a purchase.

Forged Documentation:

This is a practice where fake documents such as ownership certificates, sale deeds, and transfer papers are created. This can lead to disputes over ownership, resulting in legal battles that can last for years. To protect themselves from this type of fraud, buyers should verify the authenticity of all documentation before purchasing from the digitalized land record management authority and seek a trusted lawyer’s assistance to review the documentation if necessary.

Unauthorized Colonization:

This is a common practice in the real estate sector in Pakistan, where residential or commercial properties are built illegally on government land. This practice can lead to the displacement of local communities and the destruction of natural resources. To address this issue, the government must enforce existing laws and regulations to prevent unauthorized colonization or unapproved housing schemes and should work to provide alternative housing solutions for communities that are displaced as a result of this practice.

Misrepresentation of Property Information:

Real estate agents and developers often provide false information about the properties they sell, including overstating the property’s size, providing false information about the neighborhood, and failing to disclose any defects or problems with the property. To protect themselves from this type of fraud, buyers should thoroughly research the property and the neighborhood before making a purchase and seek the assistance of a trusted real estate agent or lawyer to verify the information provided.

Bait and Switch Tactics:

This is a common practice in the real estate industry in Pakistan, where a buyer is attracted to a property with a low price but is then convinced to purchase a more expensive property. This is often done through high-pressure sales tactics and misleading information about the properties being sold. To protect themselves from this type of fraud, buyers should thoroughly research the properties they are interested in and not be pressured into making a purchase they are uncomfortable with.

Unlawful Evictions:

This is widespread in Pakistan, where landlords illegally evict tenants without proper legal procedures. This can result in the displacement of vulnerable communities and can lead to homelessness. To address this issue, the government should enforce existing laws and regulations that protect the rights of tenants and provide alternative housing solutions for displaced communities due to unlawful evictions.

Illegal Sales of Agricultural Land:

Agricultural land is protected by law in Pakistan, but it is often illegally sold for commercial or residential purposes. This can destroy fertile farmland and cause the loss of food security for the country. To address this issue, the government of Pakistan must enforce existing laws and regulations that protect agricultural land, and should work to provide alternative land use solutions for developers.


Real estate malpractices in Pakistan are widespread and have serious consequences for both the individuals and the economy as a whole. It is crucial that the government of Pakistan takes action to enforce existing laws and regulations to prevent these practices and protect the rights of property buyers and tenants. The public should also be aware of these practices and take steps to protect themselves from
becoming victims of real estate fraud.

Frequently Asked Questions Section

Q: What is fraudulent property dealing in real estate?

A: Fraudulent property dealing refers to the practice of selling a property that does not belong to the seller, often for a much higher price than its actual market value. This can result in significant financial losses for the buyer who has paid for a property that they do not legally own.

Q: What is the impact of forged documentation in real estate?

A: Forged documentation can lead to disputes over ownership and can result in legal battles that can last for years. This can cause significant financial losses to the parties involved and can also harm the reputation of the real estate industry.

Q: What is unauthorized colonization in real estate?

A: Unauthorized colonization refers to the illegal construction of residential or commercial properties on government land. This practice can result in the displacement of local communities and the destruction of natural resources.

Q: What is misrepresentation of property information in real estate?

A: Misrepresentation of property information refers to the provision of false information about a property by real estate agents or developers. This can include overstating the size of the property, providing false information about the neighborhood, and failing to disclose any defects or problems with the property.

Q: What are bait and switch tactics in real estate?

A: Bait and switch tactics refer to the practice of attracting a buyer to a property with a low price and then convincing them to purchase a more expensive property. This is often done through high-pressure sales tactics and misleading information about the properties being sold.

Q: What are unlawful evictions in real estate?

A: Unlawful evictions refer to the illegal removal of tenants from a property without proper legal procedures. This can result in the displacement of vulnerable communities and can lead to homelessness.

Q: What are the consequences of illegal sales of agricultural land in real estate?

A: Illegal sales of agricultural land can result in the destruction of fertile farmland and the loss of food security for the country. It can also lead to conflicts between local communities and developers.

Take a note of these important points and you shall be able to save yourself from major malpractices in the real estate sector in Pakistan.

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