PM Approves 140% Increase in Executive Allowance of FBR Officers

October 20, 2023

PM Approves 140% Increase in Executive Allowance of FBR Officers

In a significant development for Pakistan’s tax collection agency, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), Prime Minister has approved a substantial increase in the executive allowance of FBR officers. This 140% increment is expected to have far-reaching consequences on the FBR’s efficiency and motivation levels. In this blog, we will delve into the details of this decision, its implications, and the potential impact on tax collection and the national economy.

  • Understanding the FBR and Its Role

The Federal Board of Revenue is Pakistan’s premier tax collection agency. Its primary responsibility is to mobilize revenue for the government by collecting taxes and customs duties. The FBR plays a vital role in the country’s economic development by generating funds for public welfare, infrastructure development, and various government programs.

  • Challenges Faced by the FBR

The FBR has faced various challenges recently, including a complex tax code, tax evasion, and a need to modernize its systems and processes. These challenges have made it increasingly more work for the FBR to meet revenue collection targets. Consequently, the need to motivate and retain top talent within the FBR has become more pressing than ever.

  • The Prime Minister’s Bold Move

To address some of the challenges the FBR faces, the Prime Minister has approved a substantial increase in the executive allowance of FBR officers. This allowance increment amounts to 140%, a remarkable move to incentivize FBR employees to perform their duties more efficiently.

  • Implications of the Decision

Motivation and Morale: One of the most immediate impacts of this decision is likely to be a boost in the motivation and morale of FBR officers. This increase in their compensation will make them feel more valued and recognized for their hard work.

Retention of Talent: With the revised executive allowance, the FBR is likely to retain experienced officers who might have considered leaving for more lucrative opportunities in the private sector.

Improved Performance: A motivated and well-compensated workforce is likelier to perform better. This could result in higher tax collection rates and reduced tax evasion.

Investment in Human Capital: This decision reflects the government’s commitment to investing in the human capital of the FBR. It recognizes that the success of the FBR is heavily dependent on the skills and dedication of its officers.

Economic Impact: A more efficient FBR can contribute significantly to the country’s economic growth by ensuring that tax revenues are collected efficiently and that tax evasion is curtailed.

  • Challenges and Criticisms

While this decision is generally seen as a positive step, there are concerns about its potential fiscal impact. Critics argue that the increased executive allowance could strain the national budget. It’s crucial for the government to carefully manage this expenditure and ensure that it leads to improved performance and higher tax collection, ultimately benefiting the economy.

The approval of a 140% increase in the executive allowance of FBR officers by the Prime Minister is a significant step towards addressing the challenges the tax collection agency faces. It is a testament to the government’s commitment to improving tax collection efficiency, reducing tax evasion, and bolstering the national economy. As this decision is implemented, its effectiveness in achieving these goals will be closely monitored, and adjustments may be made to ensure the best outcomes for Pakistan’s fiscal health.


What is the executive allowance for FBR officers?

The executive allowance is an additional financial benefit provided to officers working in Pakistan’s Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). It is designed to motivate and compensate these officers for their roles in tax collection and customs duties.

Why did the Prime Minister approve a 140% increase in the executive allowance for FBRofficers?

The Prime Minister approved this significant increase to address various challenges faced by the FBR, including a need to motivate and retain talented officers, improve tax collection efficiency, and reduce tax evasion.

How will this increase in the executive allowance affect FBR officers?

The increase in the executive allowance is expected to boost the motivation and morale of FBR officers. It also helps in retaining experienced officers and improving their overall performance.

What are the potential benefits of this decision for Pakistan’s economy?

This decision could lead to higher tax collection rates, reduced tax evasion, and a more efficient FBR. Ultimately, it may contribute to economic growth by ensuring that tax revenues are collected effectively.

Are there any concerns or criticisms regarding this decision?

Some critics are concerned about the potential fiscal impact of the increased allowance on the national budget. The government must manage this expenditure carefully to ensure it improves performance and benefits the economy.

How will the government monitor the effectiveness of this decision?

The government is likely to closely monitor the performance of the FBR, tax collection rates, and tax evasion levels. Adjustments may be made to ensure that the increased allowance leads to the desired outcomes.

Is this increase in the executive allowance permanent, or is it subject to change in the future?

The decision made by the Prime Minister is a significant change, but it is important to note that government policies can evolve. The allowance increase may be subject to review and potential adjustments in the future based on the government’s fiscal priorities.

When will FBR officers begin receiving the increased executive allowance?

Implementing the increased executive allowance will depend on the government’s administrative procedures. FBR officers should inquire with the relevant authorities for specific timelines.

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