ICCI and G-11 Markaz Traders Collaborate for Market Development

October 5, 2023

ICCI and G-11 Markaz Traders Collaborate for Market Development

In the ever-evolving world of commerce, collaboration is often the key to success. The results can be transformative when businesses and organizations come together with a common goal. Such is the case with the collaboration between the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and the G-11 Markaz, Islamabad traders. Their joint effort to foster market development is a testament to the power of partnership and a model for how local businesses and chambers of commerce can work together for mutual growth and benefit.

  • The Role of ICCI

The Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) is a Pakistan-based business organization. It is a renowned business chamber that serves as a voice for the business community in the capital city of Pakistan. Its primary mission is to promote trade, investment, and regional economic growth. ICCI bridges the government and the private sector, advocating for policies and initiatives that support business development.

  • G-11 Markaz Traders Association

G-11 Markaz is a well-established commercial hub in Islamabad, home to a diverse range of businesses, including retail stores, restaurants, healthcare providers, and service providers. The G-11 Markaz Traders Association is a representative body of the local businesses in this area. They aim to create a thriving and conducive business environment for the traders and to address their concerns and needs.

  • Collaboration for Market Development

The collaboration between ICCI and the G-11 Markaz Traders Association is a significant step towards enhancing the region’s economic landscape. Here are some key aspects of their collaboration for market development:

Advocacy: ICCI is known for its strong advocacy efforts. By joining forces with the traders from G-11 Markaz, they can collectively advocate for policies and regulations favourable to businesses in the area. This includes addressing issues related to taxation, licensing, and infrastructure development.

Skill Development: ICCI has a history of organizing workshops, seminars, and business training sessions. They can extend these resources to the traders in G-11 Markaz, helping them enhance their business management, marketing, and customer service skills.

Networking Opportunities: One of the key advantages of a chamber of commerce is its networking opportunities. By collaborating with ICCI, G-11 Markaz traders can connect with a broader network of businesses, potential partners, and customers.

Market Research: ICCI can assist the G-11 Markaz Traders Association conduct market research to identify trends, customer preferences, and growth opportunities. This data-driven approach can help businesses in the area make informed decisions and adapt to changing market conditions.

Promotion and Marketing: Together, ICCI and the traders’ association can launch promotional campaigns and marketing initiatives to raise awareness about the businesses in G-11 Markaz. This can attract more customers and visitors to the area, boosting sales and revenue.

Infrastructure Development: Collaboratively working with local authorities, ICCI can advocate for infrastructure improvements in the G-11 Markaz area, such as better roads, parking facilities, and public amenities, making it a more attractive destination for shoppers and businesses.

Policy Dialogue: ICCI can facilitate regular dialogues between traders and government officials to discuss policy issues, address concerns, and propose solutions that benefit both parties. This open communication channel can lead to a more supportive business environment.


What is the purpose of the collaboration between ICCI and the G-11 Markaz Traders Association?

The collaboration aims to foster market development in the G-11 Markaz area of Islamabad by bringing together the expertise and resources of the ICCI and local traders.

How will this collaboration benefit local businesses in G-11 Markaz?

Local businesses will benefit from advocacy efforts, skill development programs, networking opportunities, market research, promotional activities, and infrastructure improvements facilitated by this collaboration.

What advocacy efforts will ICCI undertake on behalf of G-11 Markaz traders?

ICCI will advocate for policies and regulations that support businesses in the area, address taxation and licensing issues, and work on infrastructure development in collaboration with local authorities.

Are there any educational opportunities for G-11 Markaz traders through this collaboration?

Yes, ICCI will offer workshops, seminars, and training sessions to help enhance the skills of G-11 Markaz traders in various aspects of business management, marketing, and customer service.

How can businesses in G-11 Markaz benefit from networking opportunities with ICCI?

Networking with ICCI provides businesses in G-11 Markaz access to a bigger pool of prospective clients, customers, and other businesses, facilitating collaboration and growth.

Will there be efforts to promote businesses in G-11 Markaz to a wider audience?

Yes, ICCI and the traders’ association will jointly launch promotional campaigns and marketing initiatives to raise awareness about the businesses in G-11 Markaz, attracting more customers and visitors.

What role does market research play in this collaboration?

Market research helps businesses in G-11 Markaz identify trends, customer preferences, and growth opportunities. It allows them to make informed decisions and adapt to changing market conditions.

How can businesses in G-11 Markaz get involved in the collaboration?

Businesses in G-11 Markaz can get involved by participating in the programs, workshops, and initiatives organized by ICCI and the G-11 Markaz Traders Association. They can also advocate and contribute to developing the local business ecosystem.


In the ever-evolving realm of real estate and business collaboration, the partnership between the Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ICCI) and the G-11 Markaz Traders Association stands as a symbol of progress and opportunity. This alliance, underpinned by the shared vision and resources of the two entities, is reshaping the landscape of G-11 Markaz, Islamabad, and holds immense promise for businesses, entrepreneurs, and the broader community. This collaboration at Shaariq.com, a leading real estate company, signifies the transformative power of collective effort and synergy. It is a shining example for other regions and enterprises, illustrating the remarkable potential that can be harnessed when real estate companies and local traders unite for a common purpose.

Through this collaboration, local businesses, guided by ICCI and complemented by Shaariq.com, are well-positioned to tap into a wealth of resources. These include skill development programs, networking opportunities, data-driven market research, and strategic promotional initiatives. Coupled with ICCI’s tireless advocacy for policy enhancements and infrastructure development, this partnership is poised to cultivate a more favorable business environment in G-11 Markaz. The partnership between ICCI and the G-11 Markaz Traders Association, supported by real estate leaders like Shaariq.com, is a testament to the boundless potential that emerges from shared objectives and cooperative endeavors. As this partnership deepens and extends its reach, it will propel market development, ultimately nurturing a more robust and prosperous business environment for all stakeholders involved.

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