How Women are changing the Face of Real Estate: A Look at Their Impact

May 1, 2023

How Women are changing the Face of Real Estate: A Look at Their Impact

Real estate has long been male-dominated, but the times are changing, and women are making their mark in the field. With their unique perspective and innovative ideas, women are bringing fresh energy to the world of real estate. In this article, will explore how women are changing the face of real estate and what it means for the industry.


Historically, real estate has been a male-dominated industry, with women facing barriers to entry and limited opportunities for advancement. However, in recent years, women have made significant strides in the field, breaking through the glass ceiling and carving out a place for themselves. Today, women are transforming the real estate industry in many ways, bringing fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

The Growth of Women in Real Estate

The number of women in real estate has been steadily growing over the past few decades. According to the National Association of Realtors, women comprise 67% of all real estate agents in the United States. This trend is even more pronounced in residential real estate, where women represent 73% of all agents. The rise of women in real estate is not just a US phenomenon but a global one. In Canada, women represent 63% of all real estate agents, and in the United Kingdom, they make up 53% of the industry.

Women Are Redefining the Role of Realtors

As more women enter the real estate industry, they are redefining the traditional role of realtors. Women are bringing their unique perspective to the table, focusing on building relationships with clients, listening to their needs, and tailoring their services to meet those needs. They are also breaking down the barriers that have traditionally prevented women from entering the field, such as the perception that women are not suited for sales roles. Today, women excel not only in sales roles but also in leadership positions, such as brokers and team leaders.

Women Are Bridging the Gap in Homeownership

Homeownership has long been challenging for many women, particularly those from underserved communities. However, women are working to bridge the homeownership gap, providing access to affordable housing and financial resources. Women-led organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and the Women’s Council of Realtors are working to address the gender gap in homeownership and help women achieve their dreams of owning a home.

Women Are Investing in Real Estate

As women continue gaining financial independence and building wealth, they increasingly turn to real estate as an investment opportunity. According to a survey by Betterment, 35% of women aged 18-34 invest in real estate, compared to 27% of men in the same age group. Women are also more likely to invest in real estate crowd funding platforms, providing a low entry barrier for small-scale real estate investors.

Women Are Innovating in Real Estate Technology

Real estate technology has traditionally been male-dominated, but women are increasingly making their mark in the sector. Women-led startups such as Curbio and Rentlogic are disrupting the industry with innovative solutions to age-old problems. Women also lead the charge in developing smart home technology, creating products that make homes more energy-efficient, secure, and easier to manage. With their unique insights and fresh perspectives, women are driving innovation and reshaping the future of real estate technology.

The Rise of Women-Led Startups in Real Estate

Women-led startups have been making waves in the real estate industry in recent years. One such startup is Curbio, founded by CEO Rick Rudman and COO Rikki Rogers. Curbio is a full-service home renovation company that aims to streamline the renovation process and increase home value. With its unique “renovate now, pay when you sell” model, Curbio has disrupted the traditional renovation model and made it more accessible to homeowners.

Another innovative startup led by women is Rentlogic, founded by Yale Fox and Kira Gagarin. Rentlogic is a rental rating platform that uses a proprietary algorithm to rate the quality of apartments and landlords. The platform has been praised for its transparency and as a game-changer for renters seeking affordable housing.

Women Driving Innovation in Smart Home Technology

Smart home technology has exploded in popularity recently, and women are at the forefront of this revolution. From voice-activated assistants like Amazon’s Alexa to smart thermostats like Nest, women are creating products that make homes more energy-efficient, secure, and easier to manage.

One woman-led company that is pushing the boundaries of smart home technology is Alison Slavin founded as a leading provider of smart home security systems. The company’s products allow homeowners to control their security systems, thermostats, and other home devices from their smartphones.


  1. What are some other women-led startups in real estate technology?

Some other notable women-led startups in real estate technology include Zillow, Redfin, and Opendoor.

  1. What are some benefits of smart home technology?

Smart home technology can make homes more energy-efficient, secure, and easily managed. It can also save homeowners money on utility bills.

  1. How can I invest in women-led startups in real estate technology?

One way to invest in women-led startups in real estate technology is through venture capital firms that focus on investing in female entrepreneurs.

  1. What is Curbio’s “renovate now, pay when you sell” model?

Curbio’s “renovate now, pay when you sell” model allows homeowners to pay for renovations after they sell their homes.

  1. What is is a leading provider of smart home security systems that allow homeowners to control their security systems, thermostats, and other home devices from their smartphones.

Women are changing the face of real estate technology with their innovative ideas and unique perspectives. Women-led startups like Curbio and Rentlogic are disrupting traditional models and making real estate more accessible to homeowners and renters. Women also lead the charge in developing smart home technology, creating products that make homes more energy-efficient, secure, and easier to manage. As the industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more women making their mark in real estate technology.

On, you can read more about real estate.

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