How to Choose a Real Estate Agent- 10 Tips

March 10, 2022

When you are looking for a real estate agent, it is important to know how to choose the right one. While there are many websites that allow you to browse through profiles of agents in your area and even connect with them, this does not mean you should immediately pick up the first person who comes on top. Look into their background, experience, achievements, and customer reviews before deciding. The following tips will help you narrow down your search. 

  1. Ask Your Family And Friends For Recommendations

If you have friends or family members who recently bought a home, ask them which agent they used. If they were satisfied with their services, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t consider working with that particular company. You can also talk to people at work if any of your colleagues have recently purchased properties. Chances are, they might be able to suggest an agent from their network as well. 

  1. Do Some Research Online

There are several websites that give ratings and reviews of real estate agents based on client feedback. You should spend some time going over these websites so that you can find out more about the experiences other homeowners had while dealing with specific companies. This will help you understand what kind of service to expect when you sign up with a certain agent. 

  1. Check Their Relevant Experience And Achievements

While previous work may not always guarantee success, it can provide you with valuable insights into whether a certain agent has the necessary skills to handle your case. If their profile shows a long list of recent achievements, such as multiple sales, then chances are you can rely on them to negotiate effectively on your behalf. However, if their career history seems too short and unimpressive, you need to take this into account before making a decision. 

  1. Make Sure They Are Available When You Need Them

Real estate deals don’t usually happen during regular business hours. There are numerous circumstances where you might need to contact an agent after office hours or even on weekends. It’s therefore imperative that you check whether the realtor you are considering working with is available whenever you need him/her. 

  1. Pay Attention To Their Communication Skills

The ability to communicate effectively is crucial when dealing with clients. An experienced real estate agent will be able to convey your requirements clearly, whether via email, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings. You should take note of how he/she reacts to your queries and pay special attention to his/her body language. 

  1. Understand Their Work Ethic

It goes without saying that you won’t want to hire a realtor who isn’t reliable. It’s important to understand how they usually conduct themselves. Does their behavior seem consistent? Do they tend to follow through on their promises? Are they prompt in returning emails and calls? You must assess how committed they are to meeting deadlines before hiring them. 

  1. Find Out How Much Commission They Want

After discussing fees with each prospective realtor, it is important to understand how much commission they are willing to charge. In most cases, commissions vary between 2% and 5%. If your budget is limited, you need to find out whether the agent you are considering hiring has a lower rate for those with less expensive properties. Alternatively, you could try negotiating with him/her to see whether they are open to lowering the fee. 

  1. Make Sure They Have Good References

Ask them to provide references from past clients. If possible, speak with the owners and check whether they were happy with their services. This will help you figure out whether the agent is capable of delivering satisfactory results. 

  1. Conduct A Background Investigation

If you are planning to trust someone with your life savings, then it is only natural that you would do a background investigation. You must make sure that you are working with an honest and trustworthy individual. Ask your real estate agent for the details of all properties he/she has sold in the past two years. This way, you can determine whether they are qualified enough to handle your transaction. 

  1. Enquire Whether They Offer Additional Services

Many real estate agents offer additional services, such as property management and marketing. These extra services may come at an additional cost, but they can be very useful if you plan to let your home out for rent. 

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